Do you need vaults to secure shared passwords?
Secure password sharing is a feature that lets you manage shared passwords or other sensitive data with people you trust in a reliable, hacker-proof environment, so that your shared passwords does not get leaked, or accounts – hacked. Social media chats and email letters are the worst examples of such cyber-negligence.
Why? Because when you send unencrypted password to another person, it is stored in plain text online, thus, it can be easily hacked and revealed. Facebook has made this mistake and stored between 200 and 600 million user passwords unencrypted – all Facebook employees who had access could read them.
However, there is a way to share a password securely, so that your private data is impossible to access for unauthorized parties.
And that is a password manager with secure password sharing feature.
Most password managers use vaults for secure sharing, that might be messy and inconvenient to use, while in PassCamp we developed innovative way to manage shared passwords that ensures smooth user-experience and more control.
What is a vault?
A vault, in its essence, is like a room, a place where secret information is stored. Imagine a room deep underground, which is guarded so well that it’s impossible to break in.
Similarly, passwords can be stored in digital vaults. It is a secure location, like a digital room, where passwords are encrypted (written as a code to protect from unauthorized access) and stored.
Limitations of vaults
Yet, vaults have multiple limitations which we’re about to guide you through.
In other password managers, you, as a user, upload your personal passwords to one vault, family-owned passwords to another one, and all work-related to the third.
Family example
Limitations emerge when you want to manage shared passwords with your family members. Not each person in your family needs the same passwords (we’re doubting your child needs to know your banking account login details, or your teenage son may not want you to know his Facebook password, and so on).
In this case, you have to create different vaults for each family member and share them separately.
This can annoy even the most patient people.
Team example
Another frustrating limitation is in sharing passwords with team members. Let’s say you have a Twitter password that you need to share with three groups of people – executives, marketing team, and external social media agency. In this case, you would need to manually duplicate this password to three different vaults.
In addition, if someone in one of teams updates that password, you have to go to every vault and change it manually. Thus, you have no control over who and how changes a password, because there is no syncing among shared passwords that are stored in different vaults.
How does PassCamp empower full control and security in shared passwords?
PassCamp is unique in its thoroughly – and differently – developed feature of secure password sharing.
For your ultimate convenience and exceptional user experience, every item(for example, a Netflix password, a secure note with the list of Christmas presents…) is like a separate vault. This means you have more control over your digital belongings. Let’s see how.
End-to-end encryption
Each shared item in PassCamp has to pass through RSA asymmetric encryption. In brief, this ensures complete data security – sensitive data is accessible only to you, the owner, or a person you shared with, let’s say a friend you trust.
Multi-select and mass actions
You can share every password/secure note separately with each person, or select multiple passwords and share them at once with a bunch of people. This means, you can forget creating loads of vaults for each and every person, and inconvenience in copy-pasting the same passwords through different vaults – simply manage people access to your item at an item level.
History log – an absolute control
Each change made to your item is tracked and visible to you. This means you won’t accidentally lose your password or you won’t get it changed behind your back. History log cannot be edited or deleted, so you can see every change made to your sensitive data and it’s up-to-date state. This solves the main limitation of other password managers – in PassCamp, you have absolute control over your data.
Tags – improved vaults
Tags are the better version of regular yet messy vaults. With Tags you can label every item as you like – have multiple Tags on one password, or multiple passwords to one Tag. No more duplicating and errors in syncing your owned passwords!
User groups
This is an upcoming feature where you will be able to create a group inside your team and share related passwords only with it.
If you are curious to know more, check our White Paper, written in human language.
But for now, forget all that annoying manual work with other vault password managers. Now you know how secure password sharing in PassCamp works.
Ready to meet the new year with full control over your data in a secure and user-friendly interface? Go ahead and try out PassCamp password manager for free today.