What can you learn from the biggest data breaches in 2022?
July 5, 2022 / Knowledge

What can you learn from the biggest data breaches in 2022?

In the first three months of 2022, publicly reported data breach cases increased by 14%. The rapid double-digit increase is a warning sign of unusually high rates of cyberattacks.

What were the three biggest data breaches in 2022 so far? What can you learn from them? How to prepare yourself and your company for the upcoming challenging year?

cybercriminal analyzing vulnerabilities in the company system

The landscape of cyber threats in Q1, 2022

According to Eva Velasquez, CEO of the Identity Theft Resource Center ( ITRC), Q1 is usually the calmest period of the year. Typically, the first quarter should have the lowest number of reported cybercrime cases.

“The fact the number of breach events in Q1 represents a double-digit increase over the same time last year is another indicator that data compromises will continue to rise in 2022 after setting a new all-time high in 2021,” she explained.

The reason behind the majority of data breaches in 2022 is unmistakable. Social engineering and ransomware attacks compromised the most data globally.

The main target was healthcare, manufacturing, and finance organizations.

The biggest data breaches in 2022 : what can you learn?

January 2022

January was a fruitful month for cybercriminals. With over 66 million records exposed, the year started with a sudden spike in data breaches.

One of the most attention-worthy cases was a Crypto.com breach. The company is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. The cybercriminals breached their users’ wallets and stole $18 million worth of bitcoin and $15 million worth of Ethereum.

Reason: The cyberattack happened when hackers bypassed two-factor authentication and accessed people’s accounts.

Takeaway: This cyber-attack reveals the importance of protecting sensitive accounts with strong, unique passwords and a mandatory 2FA setup.

February 2022

In February, hackers targeted Service Employees International Union, Local 32BJ. The union consists of cleaners, engineers, and maintenance workers.

During the data breach, hackers accessed internal union files that contained information about 230,487 people. The stolen data may have included such personal details as names, addresses, and Social Security numbers.

Reason: Hackers gained unauthorized access to computers in the union’s network. The organization might have had vulnerabilities in its data security systems.

Takeaway: You might never know when unauthorized people access your sensitive data. The attacks during which personal data is leaked highly increase the risk of identity theft and other frauds. Always remain vigilant – cybercriminals might use your information for social engineering attacks.

a man sitting in the dark room studies the biggest data breaches in 2022

March 2022

Starting with the end of February, the number of cyberattacks radically rose. The main event that caused the spike in the total number of data breaches in 2022 was the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

DDoS attacks were of record levels. Both Russia and Ukraine used them to disrupt each other. Yet the effect on Russia was far more devastating and prolonged.

Consequently, in Q1 2022, Russia was among the most-breached countries in the world. Russia alone made up the fifth of the global targets, leaving the usual front-runner – the United States – behind.

Reason: Although DDoS and other types of cyber threats do not directly influence the war, the information war against Russia helps to contribute to Ukrainians. According to Dmytro Budorin, the CEO of Ukrainian cybersecurity startup Hacken, “it doesn’t have a lot of effects with respect to the end goal, and the end goal is to stop the war.”

Takeaway: As an internet user, beware of the increased risks of various cyber threats: social engineering, ransomware, and even SMS-based attacks. They are all highly prevalent now. Keep good password hygiene habits, turn on two-factor authentication, and remain vigilant about suspicious messages received by email or phone.

The biggest data breaches in 2022 Q1 reflect the alarming cybersecurity landscape. Cybersecurity experts unanimously forecast the future trend – the number of cyber attacks will only grow this year.

Review your password management habits, use secure tools to store your digital data, and mind the increased risk of social engineering attacks. The next cyber attack is just behind the corner.

Stay safe!