What is a Password? What is a Strong and Weak Password?
January 10, 2023 / Knowledge

What is a Password? What is a Strong and Weak Password?

We often have to create a password when using a digital service, including personal email, social media, or even work computer systems. That’s because these services require an additional layer of security so that only authorized people can access the information.

A password is an authentication method used for computer accounts and websites. They are strings of characters used for user authentication in computing.

A strong password has multiple layers of complexity, making it difficult for someone to crack it. Weak passwords can be broken quite easily, which means they offer very little security protection.

Users tend to choose simple passwords that are easy to remember; however, this also makes them easier to crack by hackers or other nefarious users who may want to get into your account or system.

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What Is a Strong Password?

A strong password is difficult to crack. It has multiple layers of complexity and is hard to guess.

A password should contain different characters (letters, numbers, and symbols). It should be at least 12 characters long and contain a combination of capital and lowercase letters, and at least one number.

A strong password should never contain a person’s name, birth date, address, etc. A strong password should be difficult for anyone to guess, even a computer.

What is a Weak Password?

A weak password has very little complexity and is easily guessable. It usually consists of easy-to-remember words found in the dictionary.

Weak passwords are usually short and easy to crack.

Those who use weak passwords are at a higher risk of having their accounts hacked. They are also less likely to be able to use the strongest security features available on the internet.

The best way to avoid using a weak password is to create a strong password.

6 Tips for Creating Strong Passwords

  1. Length. The first thing you want to focus on is length. Your password should be at least 12 characters long. If you need to remember it, it might be helpful to use a sentence or a phrase. Don’t use anything from a dictionary, song lyrics, or popular quotes.

  2. Mix It Up. The second thing you want to do is mix up your characters. One common mistake people make is using only letters. You need a variety of characters, including numbers and symbols. It’s best if you can’t remember a specific pattern you used. This will make your password much stronger.

  3. Avoid Obvious Words. The third thing you want to do is avoid obvious words. If you use something like “password,” “12345,” or “qwerty,” you are making it very easy for someone to hack into your account. It’s best to use something like “h0wDoId0ubtth1s!”

  4. Avoid Personal Info. The fourth thing you want to do is avoid using personal information. It might seem like a good idea, but it’s not. If someone gets their hands on your password, you don’t want them to know your birthday or address.

  5. Make It Random. The fifth thing you want to do is make it random. Don’t make the mistake of putting together a pattern. Instead, just mix up the letters, numbers, and symbols in a way that seems random.

  6. Use a Password Manager. Finally, you can use a password manager. These are websites and apps that will help you create long, complex passwords. The best part is that they also store them in a way that makes them almost impossible to crack.

Create Strong Passwords with a Password Manager

A great way to create strong passwords is to use a password manager.

A password manager like PassCamp is a great tool that helps you generate, store, and access strong passwords. It also has other advanced security features, such as two-factor authentication, that make it an excellent choice for protecting your online accounts.

PassCamp services are available as web and mobile apps, and they can be used to generate strong passwords for all of your online accounts.


Passwords are the first line of defense when it comes to protecting your digital accounts. They are often the only thing standing between you and someone who wants to get into your account.

You must have strong, unique passwords for all of your accounts. You don’t want to use a weak password because it’s easy to crack, and It’s also not very secure. Instead, you want to use a strong password, so your accounts are better protected.

The best choice for you is to use a password manager to help you generate complex passwords for each one.